Fedora 18 installation experience

Few comments on what’s straight nd forward on Fedora 18

Chromium – impossible to install
Firefox – yum install firefox
Thuderbird – yum install thundebird
MySQL – yum install mysqld
PHP – yum install php
Apache – yum install apache

Printer Samsung clp-315 with Fedora Core

NOTE: The CLP-310 is identical to the CLP-315.  The only difference is the color of the case.  Therefore, if one driver don’t work, try the other.

If one wants to try to install the native Samsung driver, please read the notes at http://aprivatebeach.com/blog/2008/10/ubuntu-samsung-clp-315.  The notes relating to installing the Samsung native drivers.

The Samsung CLP-315 works on Fedora Core Linux 9.  You will have to pick the location closest to you.  The one I got is Fedora-9-i686-Live.iso.  Fedora Linux 9 is no longer available, therefore, one will have to download the ones that are available at http://fedoraproject.org/.

Unfortunately, Fedora Core 9 is not as simple to use as Ubuntu, but the Samsung CLP-315 works great on Fedora Core 9. Furthermore, do not download Fedora Core 10. It does not work on my computer.  I read somewhere that the even number versions have more bugs than the odd number versions.

In order to get it working, you will have to download some files first.

Goto Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal
type su – then press enter button
type in your password
type yum install make gcc wget then press Enter button.
Download the foo2zjs driver from http://foo2qpdl.rkkda.com/ and install it
If you follow the instructions, it will work.
Reboot and install the printer driver.  Some versions do not require rebooting.
You will notice that the printer is called CLP-310.  The actual driver that you are to install is the CLP-315.  It is the same as my Windows Vista.  Although, the CLP-310 and the CLP-315 are the same.  The only difference is the case color.
If you are printing from the Internet, you may have some problems.  If you are having problems, you will have to save the page as a PDF file.  After the page is saved, open the PDF file and print it to the Samsung CLP-315 printer.  You can also go to http://aprivatebeach.com/blog/2008/12/printing-from-linux-to-a-samsung-clp-315-printer/
There are some things that you will have to keep in mind before installing Fedora Core 9:

It will overwrite the existing GRUB with the option to boot Windows and Fedora Core 9.  Ubuntu will not be bootable from the GRUB.
To run as root you use the command su –
The packages installed by default are not the same as in Ubuntu.  You may notice that many packages will have to be installed later.
Installing restricted drivers and or media formats such as Real Player, Windows Media, etc. is not as straightforward as Ubuntu.  You will have to do a Google search and find out how to get them working.  I will provide help when I figure out and install them myself.
Updating does not give you an estimated time.  If you are installing Fedora Core 9, you may have to wait an hour or more to download and install the updates.  Furthermore, there is no indication of how much longer you will have to wait.  It is a guessing game.
If you interrupt the system update, you will have to do a search with the exact error message given the next time you update.  This is painful.  Many programs including the installing of printers will not work.
It is not for new users.  It looks simple, but there is a learning curve.  I will do the best I can to make this similar to Ubuntu Linux.
For those who have no idea what the difference is, I will explain.

Linux came in two main distribution types.  Debian Linux and Red Hat Linux.  If you try to download a file, it will be downloaded as either a file.deb(short for Debian Linux) or a file.rpm(short for Red Hat Linux package manager).  In most cases, rpm’s are provided.  Since Red Hat Linux is charging users to use the Red Hat Linux operating system, a free alternative was created called Fedora Core Linux.  It is based on Red Hat Linux, but is a free alternative.  It can be downloaded at http://fedoraproject.org/

Fedora Core Linux is more difficult to use than Ubuntu Linux, but not by much.  I will give it a test run and provide my results for those that are interested.  Someone has tested them out and gives his/her results at http://news.helpero.com/article/UBUNTU-vs-SUSE-vs-FEDORA_20.html.

I am moving on to CentOS 5 Linux.  It is apparently stable, free and is supported up to seven years.  I do not like the idea of upgrading every year.  Therefore, I am going to see if my printer works on CentOS 5 Linux.  If it does, I am going to stick with CentOS 5 Linux.  CentOS 5 Linux is based on Red Hat Linux which is much more stable than Fedora Core Linux.  I want a stable operating system.  Furthermore, CentOS 5 Linux also uses RPM’s.  You can check it out at http://centos.org/

Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

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