HP DL360 G7 Service Pack SPP 7.x

If you can not find SPP for HP DL 360 G7 server in order to upgrade BIOS, you can check below links or search for package name online …


To update firmware from Windows operating system on target server:

1.     Place the Component in a temporary directory.
2.     From the same directory, run the Component by double-clicking it.
3.     When the Component dialog window displays, click the Install button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
4.     Reboot your system if you would like the update to take effect immediately.

Supplemental updates for supported ProLiant servers and options can be done by using HP Smart Update Manager, which is found on the Service Pack for ProLiant ISO.

  • Place the Service Pack for ProLiant on a USB key using the USB Key Creator Utility.
  • Place the desired components to be updated in the directory, \hp\swpackages on the USB key.

Update the firmware and software in the usual manner.


If you have valid support contract …


If do not have support contract then try …




Production Version: Gen11 Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2022.12.00.00

دانلود P52580_001_gen11spp-2022.12.00.00-Gen11SPP2022120000.2022_1205.62.iso

Production Version: 2023.09.0 G10

Production Version: Gen9.1 Sep 15, 2022

Production Version: 2021.10.0 G9/G10

Post-Production Version: Gen8.1
دانلود P03093_001_spp-Gen8.1-SPPGen81.4.iso

Post-Production Version: G7.1
دانلود P04243_001_spp-g7.1-SPPG71.3.iso

Or search directly for filename 882084_001_spp-g7.0-SPPG70.iso or 882084_001_spp-g7.0-SPPG70.14

If you have issues with disks not showing up under VMware then try

Most likely your server have a „real“ HW RAID Controller and you need to create a Diskgroup with a VD within the Raid controller first. If you only have a single Disk(SSD) you have to create a RAID0. They are RAID controllers out there which can switch between RAID or Passtrough mode as well.


Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Articles: 744

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