project management

Project Closing

The closing stage of a project can be likened to the final act of a play or the last chapter of a book—it’s where everything comes together, and the project reaches its conclusion. This is the phase where you dot…

Monitoring and Controlling

The Monitoring and Controlling stage of project management is like the navigator’s role on a ship, constantly checking the course to ensure it aligns with the planned route. In this phase, project managers and teams keep a watchful eye on…

Project Execution

Once the meticulous planning stage is complete, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the heart of project management: the execution stage. This is where your project takes shape, and the carefully crafted plan begins to come…

Planning Stage

The planning stage is the compass that guides your project from inception to completion. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the planning stage and the key steps involved in orchestrating a successful project. The Power of…

The Project Initiation Stage

Effective project management is like steering a ship through uncharted waters. To ensure a successful voyage, one must first chart the course and set the sails in the right direction. This is where the initiation stage of project management comes…

The Key Stages of Project Management

In the world of business, project management is a vital discipline that ensures the successful planning, execution, and completion of projects. Whether you’re launching a new product, developing a software application, or building a skyscraper, understanding and implementing the stages…

OpenProject CentOS 7 installation

as root Firewall settings sudo firewall-cmd –add-service=http –permanentsudo firewall-cmd –add-service=https –permanentsudo firewall-cmd –reload After steps above go to web page defined during configuration Default username admin and password admin

Change management models

The method Late status quo Late status quo is where things currently are and how they are done – it’s your starting point before you introduce any changes. Performance should be reasonably consistent, and your team should be pretty…

Kübler-Ross model

The stages, popularly known by the acronym DABDA, include:[4] Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality. Anger – When the individual recognizes that denial cannot…