OpenProject CentOS 7 installation

as root Firewall settings sudo firewall-cmd –add-service=http –permanentsudo firewall-cmd –add-service=https –permanentsudo firewall-cmd –reload After steps above go to web page defined during configuration Default username admin and password admin

VoWifi topology

The ePDG has the following key features: Platform Requirements The ePDG service runs on a Cisco ASR 5000/ASR 5500 (DPC1/DPC2) chassis running the StarOS operating system and Virtualized Packet Core (VPC) platforms. The chassis can be configured with a variety…

How to install PostgreSQL database server on CentOS 8

PostgreSQL is an free-opensource object-relational database management system. The objective of this tutorial is to perform an installation and basic configuration of PostgreSQL server on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Linux server. In this tutorial you will learn: How to install PostgreSQL…

Zabbix 4.4 / CentOS 8 installation issues

Before Zabbix install mysqld and configure firewall Install Zabbix Start mysqld systemctl start mysqldmysql -uroot -pzcat | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix Enable port 10051 # systemctl start firewalld # firewall-cmd –add-service={http,https} –permanent success # firewall-cmd –add-port={10051/tcp,10050/tcp} –permanent success #…

VMware Networking Concepts Overview

Networking Concepts Overview Networking Best Practices VMkernel Networking Layer Choosing a network adapter for your virtual machine VMware Workstation 5.0Configuring a Virtual Network Virtual networking concepts Create a vSphere Standard Switch vSphere…

OctoPi multi web cam

plugin USB camera was identified , check lsusb before and after check what process is running your first camera and where it sends output start new process under Check that new process is created Check that web stream 1 is…