ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP

This post covers quick fix for temp tablespace issue (ORA-1652) which is to add temporary datafile and then find root cause of temp tablespace issue.

Extent – An extent is a logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of a number of contiguous data blocks. One or more extents make up segment.

Segment – A segment is a set of extents that contains all the data for a specific logical storage structure within a tablespace. To know more click here

Temporary Tablespace – contains transient data that persists only for the duration of the session. To know more  click here

Quick Fix for ORA-1652

1. Identify temporary datafile details :
SQL> select file_name , TABLESPACE_NAME from DBA_TEMP_FILES;
/u01/oradata/VIS11i/temp01.dbf   TEMP

2. Check if there is any space available in temporary tablespace (segment)

SQL> SELECT   A.tablespace_name tablespace, D.mb_total,
SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_used,
D.mb_total – SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_free
FROM     v$sort_segment A,
SELECT   B.name, C.block_size, SUM (C.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 mb_total
FROM     v$tablespace B, v$tempfile C
WHERE    B.ts#= C.ts#
GROUP BY B.name, C.block_size
) D
WHERE    A.tablespace_name = D.name
GROUP by A.tablespace_name, D.mb_total;

output like

TABLESPACE                        MB_TOTAL    MB_USED    MB_FREE
——————————- ———- ———- ———-
TEMP                                  2548         2536       12

(in above case out of 2 GB only 12 MB is free)


3. Temporary fix

a) Resize temporary file as
SQL> ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE ‘/u01/oradata/VIS11i/temp01.dbf’ RESIZE 3072M;


b) Add temp datafile to temporary tablespace as

SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE TEMP ADD TEMPFILE ‘/u01/oradata/VIS11i/temp02.dbf’


Root Cause Analysis

1. Identify temp segment usages per session

– Temp segment usage per session.

SQL> SELECT   S.sid || ‘,’ || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,
P.program, SUM (T.blocks) * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace,
COUNT(*) statements
FROM     v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P
WHERE    T.session_addr = S.saddr
AND      S.paddr = P.addr
AND      T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
GROUP BY S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module,
P.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace
ORDER BY mb_used;

2. Identify temp segment usages per statement

– Temp segment usage per statement.

SQL> SELECT  S.sid || ‘,’ || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, Q.hash_value, Q.sql_text,
T.blocks * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace
FROM    v$sort_usage T, v$session S, v$sqlarea Q, dba_tablespaces TBS
WHERE   T.session_addr = S.saddr
AND     T.sqladdr = Q.address
AND     T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name
ORDER BY mb_used;

Depending on outcome of temp segment usage per session and per statement focus on problematic session/statement.



Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Articles: 673