Veritas Cluster Cheat sheet
LLT and GAB Commands | Port Membership | Daemons | Log Files | Dynamic Configuration | Users | Resources | Resource Agents | Service Groups | Clusters | Cluster Status | System Operations | Sevice Group Operations | Resource Operations | Agent Operations | Starting and Stopping
VCS uses two components, LLT and GAB to share data over the private networks among systems.
These components provide the performance and reliability required by VCS.
LLT | LLT (Low Latency Transport) provides fast, kernel-to-kernel comms and monitors network connections. The system admin configures the LLT by creating a configuration file (llttab) that describes the systems in the cluster and private network links among them. The LLT runs in layer 2 of the network stack |
GAB | GAB (Group membership and Atomic Broadcast) provides the global message order required to maintain a synchronised state among the systems, and monitors disk comms such as that required by the VCS heartbeat utility. The system admin configures GAB driver by creating a configuration file ( gabtab). |
LLT and GAB files
/etc/llthosts |
The file is a database, containing one entry per system, that links the LLT system ID with the hosts name. The file is identical on each server in the cluster. |
/etc/llttab |
The file contains information that is derived during installation and is used by the utility lltconfig. |
/etc/gabtab |
The file contains the information needed to configure the GAB driver. This file is used by the gabconfig utility. |
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ |
The VCS configuration file. The file contains the information that defines the cluster and its systems. |
Gabtab Entries
/sbin/gabdiskconf – i /dev/dsk/c1t2d0s2 -s 16 -S 1123 |
-i Initialises the disk region |
gabdiskhb (heartbeat disks)
-a Add a gab disk heartbeat resource |
-c Configure the driver for use |
Verifying that links are active for LLT | lltstat -n |
verbose output of the lltstat command | lltstat -nvv | more |
open ports for LLT | lltstat -p |
display the values of LLT configuration directives | lltstat -c |
lists information about each configured LLT link | lltstat -l |
List all MAC addresses in the cluster | lltconfig -a list |
stop the LLT running | lltconfig -U |
start the LLT | lltconfig -c |
verify that GAB is operating |
gabconfig -a Note: port a indicates that GAB is communicating, port h indicates that VCS is started |
stop GAB running | gabconfig -U |
start the GAB | gabconfig -c -n <number of nodes> |
override the seed values in the gabtab file | gabconfig -c -x |
List Membership |
gabconfig -a |
Unregister port f | /opt/VRTS/bin/fsclustadm cfsdeinit |
Port Function | a gab driver b I/O fencing (designed to guarantee data integrity) d ODM (Oracle Disk Manager) f CFS (Cluster File System) h VCS (VERITAS Cluster Server: high availability daemon) o VCSMM driver (kernel module needed for Oracle and VCS interface) q QuickLog daemon v CVM (Cluster Volume Manager) w vxconfigd (module for cvm) |
High Availability Daemon | had |
Companion Daemon | hashadow |
Resource Agent daemon | <resource>Agent |
Web Console cluster managerment daemon | CmdServer |
Log Directory | /var/VRTSvcs/log |
primary log file (engine log file) | /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log |
Starting and Stopping the cluster
„-stale“ instructs the engine to treat the local config as stale |
hastart [-stale|-force] |
Bring the cluster into running mode from a stale state using the configuration file from a particular server |
hasys -force <server_name> |
stop the cluster on the local server but leave the application/s running, do not failover the application/s | hastop -local |
stop cluster on local server but evacuate (failover) the application/s to another node within the cluster | hastop -local -evacuate |
stop the cluster on all nodes but leave the application/s running |
hastop -all -force |
display cluster summary | hastatus -summary |
continually monitor cluster | hastatus |
verify the cluster is operating | hasys -display |
information about a cluster | haclus -display |
value for a specific cluster attribute | haclus -value <attribute> |
modify a cluster attribute | haclus -modify <attribute name> <new> |
Enable LinkMonitoring | haclus -enable LinkMonitoring |
Disable LinkMonitoring | haclus -disable LinkMonitoring |
add a user | hauser -add <username> |
modify a user | hauser -update <username> |
delete a user | hauser -delete <username> |
display all users | hauser -display |
add a system to the cluster | hasys -add <sys> |
delete a system from the cluster | hasys -delete <sys> |
Modify a system attributes | hasys -modify <sys> <modify options> |
list a system state | hasys -state |
Force a system to start | hasys -force |
Display the systems attributes | hasys -display [-sys] |
List all the systems in the cluster | hasys -list |
Change the load attribute of a system | hasys -load <system> <value> |
Display the value of a systems nodeid (/etc/llthosts) | hasys -nodeid |
Freeze a system (No offlining system, No groups onlining) |
hasys -freeze [-persistent][-evacuate] Note: must be in write mode |
Unfreeze a system ( reenable groups and resource back online) |
hasys -unfreeze [-persistent] Note: must be in write mode |
The VCS configuration must be in read/write mode in order to make changes. When in read/write mode the
configuration becomes stale, a .stale file is created in $VCS_CONF/conf/config. When the configuration is put
back into read only mode the .stale file is removed.
Change configuration to read/write mode | haconf -makerw |
Change configuration to read-only mode | haconf -dump -makero |
Check what mode cluster is running in |
haclus -display |grep -i ‚readonly‘ 0 = write mode |
Check the configuration file |
hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config Note: you can point to any directory as long as it has and |
convert a file into cluster commands | hacf -cftocmd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config -dest /tmp |
convert a command file into a file |
hacf -cmdtocf /tmp -dest /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config |
add a service group | haconf -makerw hagrp -add groupw hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2 hagrp -autoenable groupw -sys sun1 haconf -dump -makero |
delete a service group | haconf -makerw hagrp -delete groupw haconf -dump -makero |
change a service group |
haconf -makerw Note: use the „hagrp -display <group>“ to list attributes |
list the service groups | hagrp -list |
list the groups dependencies | hagrp -dep <group> |
list the parameters of a group | hagrp -display <group> |
display a service group’s resource | hagrp -resources <group> |
display the current state of the service group | hagrp -state <group> |
clear a faulted non-persistent resource in a specific grp | hagrp -clear <group> [-sys] <host> <sys> |
Change the system list in a cluster |
# remove the host # add the new host (don’t forget to state its position) # update the autostart list |
Start a service group and bring its resources online | hagrp -online <group> -sys <sys> |
Stop a service group and takes its resources offline | hagrp -offline <group> -sys <sys> |
Switch a service group from system to another | hagrp -switch <group> to <sys> |
Enable all the resources in a group | hagrp -enableresources <group> |
Disable all the resources in a group | hagrp -disableresources <group> |
Freeze a service group (disable onlining and offlining) |
hagrp -freeze <group> [-persistent] note: use the following to check „hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen“ |
Unfreeze a service group (enable onlining and offlining) |
hagrp -unfreeze <group> [-persistent] note: use the following to check „hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen“ |
Enable a service group. Enabled groups can only be brought online |
haconf -makerw Note to check run the following command „hagrp -display | grep Enabled“ |
Disable a service group. Stop from bringing online |
haconf -makerw Note to check run the following command „hagrp -display | grep Enabled“ |
Flush a service group and enable corrective action. | hagrp -flush <group> -sys <system> |
add a resource | haconf -makerw hares -add appDG DiskGroup groupw hares -modify appDG Enabled 1 hares -modify appDG DiskGroup appdg hares -modify appDG StartVolumes 0 haconf -dump -makero |
delete a resource | haconf -makerw hares -delete <resource> haconf -dump -makero |
change a resource |
haconf -makerw Note: list parameters „hares -display <resource>“ |
change a resource attribute to be globally wide | hares -global <resource> <attribute> <value> |
change a resource attribute to be locally wide | hares -local <resource> <attribute> <value> |
list the parameters of a resource | hares -display <resource> |
list the resources | hares -list |
list the resource dependencies | hares -dep |
Online a resource | hares -online <resource> [-sys] |
Offline a resource | hares -offline <resource> [-sys] |
display the state of a resource( offline, online, etc) | hares -state |
display the parameters of a resource | hares -display <resource> |
Offline a resource and propagate the command to its children | hares -offprop <resource> -sys <sys> |
Cause a resource agent to immediately monitor the resource | hares -probe <resource> -sys <sys> |
Clearing a resource (automatically initiates the onlining) | hares -clear <resource> [-sys] |
Resource Types
Add a resource type | hatype -add <type> |
Remove a resource type | hatype -delete <type> |
List all resource types | hatype -list |
Display a resource type | hatype -display <type> |
List a partitcular resource type | hatype -resources <type> |
Change a particular resource types attributes | hatype -value <type> <attr> |
add a agent | pkgadd -d . <agent package> |
remove a agent | pkgrm <agent package> |
change a agent | n/a |
list all ha agents | haagent -list |
Display agents run-time information i.e has it started, is it running ? | haagent -display <agent_name> |
Display agents faults | haagent -display |grep Faults |
Start an agent | haagent -start <agent_name>[-sys] |
Stop an agent | haagent -stop <agent_name>[-sys] |