Enable application in gmail.com , copy and store generated password

Setup forwarding events for all exctions of all projects (just for initial test)

Select actions when the email should be sent out

Make sure the hostname or IP is correctly set in General section – else all emails will end up in Spam folder of your Gmail

Configure parameters
# more /etc/openproject/conf.d/smtp
export ADMIN_EMAIL=“jan.xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com“
export SMTP_ADDRESS=“smtp.gmail.com“
export SMTP_PORT=“587″
export SMTP_DOMAIN=“gmail.com“
export SMTP_USER_NAME=“jan.xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com“
export SMTP_PASSWORD=“jvxzgxxkfdgeqxhuxkjjt“
# openproject config:set SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=true
# more /opt/openproject/config/configuration.yml
email_delivery_method: „smtp“
smtp_enable_starttls_auto: true
smtp_address: „smtp.gmail.com“
smtp_port: 587
smtp_domain: „smtp.gmail.com“
smtp_authentication: :plain
smtp_user_name: „jan.xxxxxx@gmail.com“
smtp_password: „jvzxgkfxdgexxqhuxkjjt“
smtp_enable_starttls_auto: true
As root execute
service httpd restart
service openproject restart
service openproject status
Test telnet to smtp.gmail.com port 587 is working correctly

Troubleshooting commands
# openproject run check
MySQL configuration is working
Web server is running
openproject server is running
openproject background job worker is running
sending test email using sendmail…
test email sent to jan.drasnar@gmail.com
# openproject logs –tail