
Potential of 5G IoT UWB Tags

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technologies is opening up a realm of possibilities that were once relegated to the pages of science fiction. Among the most promising…

The cost of capital

The cost of capital is the required return that a company must earn on its investments in order to maintain the value of its stock or ownership interests. Inflation affects the cost of capital because it increases the cost of…

Return on investment calculation

ROI (Return on Investment) is a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment. It measures the ratio of the net profit or savings to the initial investment. Here’s how to calculate ROI: The formula for calculating ROI…

Aukce děl ceny

Přehled provizí českých aukčních síní text KOUCKÁ TEREZA     datum 04.01.2017 Zatímco v redakční části ART+ nebo na stránkách art+antiques uvádíme dosažené ceny včetně provize, v ostatních domácích médiích se častěji setkáváme s kladívkovými cenami. Výsledkem je poměrně velký zmatek v tom, kolik co vlastně…

Import zásilky z USA

  Po objednání čehokoliv ze země mimo EU je dobré sledovat zásilku a nechat si posílat notifikace. Až dorazí zásilka do ČR zkončí kdesi na celním úřadě, moje zkončila na Praze 2 Poté pošlete požadavek na e-mail níže s…

Five Stages of a Bubble

Minsky identified five stages in a typical credit cycle – displacement, boom, euphoria, profit taking and panic. Although there are various interpretations of the cycle, the general pattern of bubble activity remains fairly consistent. Displacement: A displacement occurs when investors get enamored by a new paradigm,…


„Dělat něco dobře je tak hodnotné, že zemřít při snaze dělat to ještě lépe nemůže být nerozum. Člověk by svůj život promrhal, kdyby nechal své schopnosti ležet ladem, mám dojem, že život se měří v úspěších, nikoliv v letech.”

Capital C movie

Great inspirational movie about crowdfunding now available on Netflix. Funded by 586 people from 24 countries through a crowdfunding campaign on kickstarter, CAPITAL C is the first feature length documentary dedicated to crowdfunding. Over the course of more than three…

Building a $1 million business in 48 hours

Original artical posted at BI I first met Noah Kagan over rain and strong espressos at Red Rock Coffee in Mountain View, California. It was 2007. We were both in hoodies and had a shared penchant for the F-bomb…

Value proposition

One model, the Value Proposition Builder for creating a value proposition states six stages to the analysis:[3] Market: for which market is the value proposition being created? Value experience or customer experience: what does the market value most? The effectiveness…