QOS queue shaping with Ixia

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The qos queue shaping command enables traffic shaping for a queue on a specified interface and sets traffic shaping parameters.

The undo qos queue shaping command restores the default scheduling parameters of each queue on an interface.

The following table describes the default scheduling parameters on an interface.


qos queue queue-index shaping { percent cir cir-percent-value [ pir pir-percent-value ] | cir cir-value [ kbps | mbps | gbps ] [ cbs cbs-value [ bytes | kbytes | mbytes ] | pir pir-value [ kbps | mbps | gbps ] [ cbs cbs-valuebytes | kbytes | mbytes ] pbs pbs-value [ bytes | kbytes | mbytes ] ] ] }

undo qos queue queue-index shaping


queue-indexSpecifies the queue index.The value is an integer that ranges from 0 to 7.
cir cir-valueSpecifies the absolute value of the committed information rate (CIR).The value is an integer. The value range differs depending on the rate unit. The default value is the maximum bandwidth of an interface. The default rate unit is kbit/s.The value ranges from 64 to 100000000 when the rate unit is kbit/s.The value ranges from 1 to 100000 when the rate unit is Mbit/s.The value ranges from 1 to 100 when the rate unit is Gbit/s.
kbpsIndicates that the rate unit is kbit/s.
mbpsIndicates that the rate unit is Mbit/s.
gbpsIndicates that the rate unit is Gbit/s.
pir pir-valueSpecifies the absolute value of the peak information rate (PIR).The value is an integer. The value range differs depending on the rate unit. The default rate unit is kbit/s.The value ranges from 64 to 100000000 when the rate unit is kbit/s.The value ranges from 1 to 100000 when the rate unit is Mbit/s.The value ranges from 1 to 100 when the rate unit is Gbit/s.The PIR must be higher than or equal to the CIR. The default PIR is equal to the CIR.
cbs cbs-valueSpecifies the absolute value of the committed burst size (CBS), which is the volume of committed burst traffic that can pass through an interface.The value is an integer. The value range differs depending on the CBS unit. The default CBS is related to the CIR. The default CBS is expressed in bytes.The value ranges from 10000 to 536870912 when the CBS is expressed in bytes.The value ranges from 10 to 524288 when the CBS is expressed in Kbytes.The value ranges from 1 to 512 when the CBS is expressed in Mbytes.The default CBS value is 8 times the CIR.
bytesIndicates that the CBS is expressed in bytes.
kbytesIndicates that the CBS is expressed in Kbytes.
mbytesIndicates that the CBS is expressed in Mbytes.
pbs pbs-valueSpecifies the absolute value of the peak burst size (PBS), which is the maximum volume of burst traffic that can pass through an interface.The value is an integer that differs depending on the CBS unit. The default PBS is related to the PIR. The default PBS is expressed in bytes.The value ranges from 10000 to 536870912 when the CBS is expressed in bytes.The value ranges from 10 to 524288 when the CBS is expressed in Kbytes.The value ranges from 1 to 512 when the CBS is expressed in Mbytes.If the PIR is not set, the default PBS is equal to the CBS. If the PIRis set, the default PBS is 8 times the PIR.
percentSpecifies the value in percentage.
cir cir-percent-valueSpecifies the percentage value of the CIR.The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 100. The default value is 100.The CBS is calculated as follows: CBS = cir-percent-value x Maximum bandwidth of an interface x 8
pir pir-percent-valueSpecifies the percentage value of the PIR.The value is an integer that ranges from 1 to 100. The default value is 100. The default value is cir-percent-value.The PBS is calculated as follows: PBS = pir-percent-value × Maximum bandwidth of an interface x 8


GE interface view, 10GE interface view, 25GE interface view, 40GE interface view, 100GE interface view, port group view

Default Level

2: Configuration level

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

When the traffic rate of an interface on a downstream device is lower than that of the connected interface on the upstream device, traffic congestion may occur on the interface of the downstream device. You can configure traffic shaping for queues on the outbound interface of the upstream device and adjust the transmit rate of the interface.

The qos queue shaping command configures traffic shaping on packets of a specific service on an interface.


Priority mapping based on simple traffic classification has been configured to map packet priorities to PHBs and colors, or internal priority re-marking based on complex traffic classification has been configured so that packets of different services enter different queues.


If traffic shaping is configured both on an interface queue and an interface (using the qos lr command), the CIR of the interface cannot be lower than the sum of CIR values of all the queues on the interface; otherwise, traffic shaping result may be incorrect. For example, the queue with a lower priority may occupy the bandwidth of the queue with a higher priority.

If you run the qos queue shaping command multiple times on the same interface, only the latest configuration takes effect.


# Set absolute values of the CIR and PIR for queue 4 on the 10GE1/0/1 to 10000 kbit/s and 20000 kbit/s, respectively.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[~HUAWEI-10GE1/0/1] qos queue 4 shaping cir 10000 kbps pir 20000 kbps

# Set percentage values of the CIR and PIR for queue 4 on the 10GE1/0/1 to 50% and 80%, respectively.

<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] interface 10ge 1/0/1
[~HUAWEI-10GE1/0/1] qos queue 4 shaping percent cir 50 pir 80
Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Articles: 673

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