
Add USB to Virtual Machine in VMWare

I did struggle a bit when connecting USB to VMWare so here you find guide to save you some time. After VMWare 5.5 installation my USB was grey and could not mount it at all You need to select your…

Dell Power Edge 1950 III testing with VMWare

I recently purchased dell power edge for testing and now found some time to mess around with virtualization. Found few videos on youtube, started with – BIOS upgrade – BMC upgrade – Dell Remote Access Controller Firmware upgrade…

Cloud Computing as a Managed Service

First, it is usually fully virtualized and accessed via the internet (or cloud). The technical concept actually isn’t new. Companies have been implementing their own virtual private data centers for years. However, companies are now looking to adopt cloud…

VMware installation on Fedora 20

Download vmware vsphere distro Source: Untart iso image and execute [root@drash vmware-tools-distrib]# ll total 472 drwxr-xr-x. 2 jandra jandra 4096 Aug 17 19:51 bin drwxr-xr-x. 2 jandra jandra 4096 Aug 17 19:51 doc drwxr-xr-x. 5 jandra jandra…

Cloud services

Productivity Project Management CRM Database File Syncing Finance Online Storage/Backup and Collaboration IT Tools & Management Rapid Service Secure Service Satisfying User Experience Lower Costs Multi-User Access Development Platform Infinite Storage Features Virtualization

Top 10 Linux Virtualization Software

Virtualization is the latest buzz word. You may wonder computers are getting cheaper every day, why should I care and why should I use virtualization? Virtualization is a broad term that refers to the abstraction of computer resources such as:…