
Capital C movie

Great inspirational movie about crowdfunding now available on Netflix. Funded by 586 people from 24 countries through a crowdfunding campaign on kickstarter, CAPITAL C is the first feature length documentary dedicated to crowdfunding. Over the course of more than three…

Resistance the film

Must see movie, available on netflix. Antibiotics were first massed-produced in the 1940s and their ability to fight and kill bacteria revolutionized medicine and profoundly impacted everything from agriculture to war. After less than 80 years, however, these miracle drugs…

That Sugar Film

Must watch movie if you are interested in production and consumption of what suppose to be food 🙂

15 Best raw food documentary movies

Some people are (literally) dying to see these raw food documentary films…don’t be one of them! Watch out for your health and find out: – What’s killing you.– What choices you have for a disease-free life! 1. Food Inc. Shocking…