Create / Uncompress 7z files
Question: How do I uncompress a *.7z file ( 7zip file ) in UNIX / Linux ? Can you explain with a simple example? Answer: Use 7za command to unzip a 7z file ( 7zip file ) on Unix platform…
Question: How do I uncompress a *.7z file ( 7zip file ) in UNIX / Linux ? Can you explain with a simple example? Answer: Use 7za command to unzip a 7z file ( 7zip file ) on Unix platform…
You can installin virt manager on Fedora FC20 with following commands: yum install virt-manager yum install libvirt Starting virt-manager will ask you to install additional 2 packages then you get lovely ISO selection screen and you can start installing whatever…
Create a new 10GB filesystem to store a package repository for yum Challenges: The existing hard drive has been fully allocated using LVM. Solution: Add a new hard drive to the server (virtual server in this case) Partition the drive and…
[root@drash etc]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6INIT=yes IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no NAME=eth0 UUID=e2647d40-8e94-4c17-a842-1d35d72775b1 ONBOOT=yes DNS1= DNS2= DNS3= HWADDR=00:1C:25:1C:D8:B3 PEERDNS=yes PEERROUTES=yes IPV6_PEERDNS=yes IPV6_PEERROUTES=yes IPV6_PRIVACY=no # this server’s IP address IPADDR=“″ # subnet mask NETMASK=“″ # default gateway GATEWAY=“″ [root@drash etc]# systemctl…
[root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]# cp [root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]# uname -a Linux drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE #1 SMP Wed Nov 20 22:37:38 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]#
—> Package vlc-core.i686 0:2.1.4-2.fc21 will be an update –> Processing Dependency: for package: vlc-core-2.1.4-2.fc21.i686 –> Processing Dependency: for package: vlc-core-2.1.4-2.fc21.i686 –> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: vlc-core-2.1.4-2.fc21.i686 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide) Requires: Error: Package: gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-16.fc21.i686 (rpmfusion-free-rawhide) Requires: Error: Package:…
[root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]# vmware-modconfig –console –validate-kernel-headers -k 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE [root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]# vmware-modconfig –console –validate-kernel-headers -k 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE [root@drash 3.11.9-300.fc20.i686+PAE]# vmware-modconfig –console –install-status vmmon: unknown vmnet: unknown vmblock: unknown vmci: other vsock: other
Create user hyperic with home directory [root@drash ~]# useradd hyperic -m -b /home/ -p password Execute hyperic installer script [jandra@drash ~]$ Unpacking JRE to temporary directory /tmp/jre Please ignore references to missing tools.jar Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to…
Verification that certificate works [root@drasnar mail]# openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp -CApath /etc/ssl/certs CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 C = US, O = GeoTrust Inc., CN = GeoTrust Global CA verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate verify return:0 result…
When I set up my Amahi Home Server a few years ago, one of the things that I wanted to do was be able to send the logs and other emails that normally go to the root account…
So, this thing was seriously pissing me off. Every time I opened up Chrome, it’d try to open Kwallet for some annoying integration reasons. Sure, for some it’d probably be nice to use Kwallet for storing Chrome passwords, but for…
Will see what the result gonna be … version 18->19 no issues seen, only executed following # yum install fedora-upgrade # fedora-upgrade version 19->20 some packages had dependency errors, yum remove <packaname> resolved the issue # rpm –import …