Identify TomCat & jBoss version

Tomcat The most failsafe way to get the version regarless of the packaging is to do the following: (no, i’m not kidding) 1) find catalina.jar. It *should* be in server of your tomcat installation 2) Open it with winzip like…

Disable Web Apache directory browsing

find / -name httpd.conf <Directory /usr/share/doc>Options FollowSymLinks Indexes Includes +Multiviews Disable directory browsing using httpd.conf:- Open your httpd.conf, normally it’s located at /usr/local/apache/conf or Go to your own Virtual Host settings and look for “Options Indexes” Change the Indexes…

I miss sand dunes :)

Never thought of that but I really miss Friday rides in the desert. Hope I get there soon to open full throttle again 🙂 Love reading about Mac history hile Bill Atkinson was developing LisaGraf, the crucial, lightning fast graphics package that was the foundation of both the Lisa and Macintosh user interface (it was renamed QuickDraw for the Mac), he also worked sporadically on a simple bitmap-based…

LDAP Check up

# chkconfig –level 3 ldap off insserv: script vmware-core: service VMware already provided! insserv: script vmware-mgmt: service VMware already provided! insserv: script vmware-autostart: service VMware already provided! /rc3.d # ../ldap start Starting ldap-server                                                  done /rc3.d # lsof -i:389 COMMAND …

Nessus/Acunetix security scan

Recomended security scan tool that reports open ports, incomplete configuration and other security related issues in your network. For security practitioners who assess complex enterprise networks for security flaws and compliance issues, Nessus is the world’s most widely-deployed vulnerability and…

iOS keyboard shortcuts

After several years of using iPhone 3Gs I discovered well hidden settings for shortcuts. Maybe it’s again time to read the phone documentation 🙂