Verify Oracle parameters

login as oracle user sqlplus „/ as sysdba“ show parameters NAME TYPE VALUE ———————————— ———– —————————— O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY boolean FALSE _undo_autotune boolean FALSE active_instance_count integer aq_tm_processes integer 0 archive_lag_target integer 0 asm_diskgroups string asm_diskstring string asm_power_limit integer 1 asm_preferred_read_failure_groups string Oracle…

Samsung UE50ES6710 review

unpacked this TV yesterday, started messing around with basic functions and here is my first impression: Design: Awesome Screen/resolution: Awesome Initial Setup: Good, easy to tune channels, just in case you stop in the middle of tuning Satalite…

Customer Focus, Expectations and Loyalty

(GetPages)/fb0e21c03e1a1fbb85257011006e6396  „When you buy a tank from the Red River Army Depot, there’s a 1-800 number in the „glove compartment“ so you know who to call if you have a problem with the vehicle. At Red River, customer calls come…

Flaeming skate/cycling tracks

The super-smooth asphalt is ideal for skating. The Flaeming-Skate has been built especially with skaters needs in mind. But Flaeming-Skate is also attractive for cyclists, wheelchair users and hand cyclists. Therefore, at all fun, do not forget mutual respect and…

U.A.E. & Oman touring

Back in 2008/9 I was travelling a bit around UAE and Oman. Wrote 2 articles about that only in Czech but you might find GPS data file from Oman trip to Salalah usefull. U.A.E. trip Oman trip GPS…

Oracle SQL query – sort by Czech language

This was the best result so far that reflected czech characters and IMHO correct sorting. select * from test6 order by NLSSORT( (NAME),’NLS_SORT=Xczech‘)   46 46 d 47 47 D 134 134 dra 136 136 Dra 139 139 dráb 138…

Oracle setting – language specific search

Our R&D did struggle with Oracle setting for Czech specific search. Following might be the solution. ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP=ANSI;ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT=GENERIC_BASELETTER;– this should be XCZECH we discussed previously First 3 screenshots are from setting up the DB where…