DLNA devices for AllShare

Possible solution for Samsung not providing SW for Mac users – Serviio, Twonky or TVersity I have found DLNA Routers at Staples, that allow us Mac Users to access the features Samsung AllShare and other setups, They go for around…

Apache version

[root@stroj yum.repos.d]# httpd -v Server version: Apache (Unix) Server built: Sep 18 2007 11:26:13

Yum check-update

Configuration for Fedora 6 fedora-core.repo fedora-updates.repo fedora-extras.repo [root@stroj yum.repos.d]# yum check-update [root@stroj yum.repos.d]# yum update Loading „installonlyn“ plugin Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files Resolving Dependencies –> Populating transaction set with…

Enable VNC Authentication

Modify configuration from user  = nobody to i.e. root then add -rfbauth and restart xinetd # more vnc # default: off # description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login # prompt. This VNC…

Setting the secure flag in the cookies

Security team identified following flaw – Session Cookie without Secure flag set Original article on TechRepublic TechRepublic had an interesting article about the Surf Jack attack. Many people commented, some giving their own solution to the problem. However many of…

Track / Trace method on web server

Symptomps: serverxyz:~ # telnet 80 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‚^]‘. TRACE / HTTP HTTP 200 OK Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:17:05 GMT Server: Apache (Unix) mod_ssl OpenSSL Connection: close Content-Type: message/http TRACE / HTTP…

Awesome SW

Beyond Compare – comparing text files, configuration files, folders ,etc. DB Forge Data Comare Express – DB data content compare Total Commander – file manager Snipping tool – take a snap of your screen Putty & Xshell – ssh…

Check port/deamon thats running

testserver:~ # netstat -an | grep 512 tcp 0 0* LISTEN unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 802512508 /tmp/ksocket-sshusr/klauncherZNMCS unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 802512507 testserver:~ # lsof -i :512 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE…

Grant, Revoke Oracle user access

Data Control Language (DCL) Statements Data Control Language Statements are used to grant privileges on tables, views, sequences, synonyms, procedures to other users or roles. The DCL statements are GRANT :Use to grant privileges to other users or roles. REVOKE…