WD disk can’t be found

[root@localhost disk]# fdisk /dev/sdb Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.22.2). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): help h: unknown command Command action a toggle…

GD, ImageMagic, mbstring installation Fedora

GD and ImageMagick are must installed components on your server if you are dealing with images in PHP, and I can’t believe that your application is not using any image processing. PHP is used to create and manipulate image files…

Fedora 18 installation experience

Few comments on what’s straight nd forward on Fedora 18 Chromium – impossible to install Firefox – yum install firefoxThuderbird – yum install thundebirdMySQL – yum install mysqldPHP – yum install phpApache – yum install apache Printer Samsung clp-315 with…

VCS commands

Veritas Cluster Cheat sheet LLT and GAB Commands | Port Membership | Daemons | Log Files | Dynamic Configuration | Users | Resources | Resource Agents | Service Groups | Clusters | Cluster Status | System Operations | Sevice Group Operations | Resource Operations | Agent Operations | Starting and Stopping LLT and GRAB…

VCS Veritas Cluster commands

# hastatus -sum— SYSTEM STATE– System               State                FrozenA  tb_sdu01a            RUNNING              0A  tb_sdu01b      …

IDS Tipping Point

Proactive Network SecurityIntrusion Detection Systems, by definition, only detect and do not block unwanted traffic. The TippingPoint IPS operates in-line in the network, blocking malicious and unwanted traffic, while allowing good traffic to pass unimpeded. In fact, TippingPoint optimizes…

Mouse action recording

ReMouse is a tiny program that lets you record and play back a series of keyboard and mouse actions, and saves operation records as script files for later use. It is as simple as the music player, there is…

NAS Systems

Rapid file storage growth, driven by rich media, document and backup files and email, impacts businesses more now than ever before. Consolidating file data with a dedicated Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution can help you address your changing file serving…