Fedora configure sendmail

Overview The motivation to configure sendmail as a client for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol with SSL (SMTPS) came about when I switched ISP’s and the new service required authentication as well as the use of port 465 to submit…

Change hostname / domain name

Q. I would like to change hostname and domain name for my Linux server. Where can I set the local hostname and domain name of my server? A. You can use hostname command to show or set the system’s host…

Identify IP address of the router

Question: What Is the IP Address of a Router? A typical home network router keeps two IP addresses, one for local devices to connect to across the LAN, and one for the external Internet (WAN) connection. How can you find a router’s IP addresses? Answer:…

Disable KDE Wallet Chrome

So, this thing was seriously pissing me off. Every time I opened up Chrome, it’d try to open Kwallet for some annoying integration reasons. Sure, for some it’d probably be nice to use Kwallet for storing Chrome passwords, but for…

WI-FI Network Radius setup

Installing and Operating a RADIUS Server Overview Whenever access to a resource must be regulated, there must be a regulation mechanism. A RADIUS server is a mechanism for regulating access to a computer network by users (customers, usually.)…

Fedora upgrade versions 18 -> 19 -> 20

Will see what the result gonna be … version 18->19 no issues seen, only executed following # yum install fedora-upgrade # fedora-upgrade version 19->20 some packages had dependency errors, yum remove <packaname> resolved the issue # rpm –import …

Vuze Fedora 18 doesn’t show results

You need to upgrade following swt package [root@localhost /]# yum install eclipse-swt Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check —> Package eclipse-swt.i686 1:4.2.2-7.fc18 will be installed –> Processing Dependency: webkitgtk for package: 1:eclipse-swt-4.2.2-7.fc18.i686 –> Running transaction…