What are SDN Controllers?

An SDN Controller in a software-defined network (SDN) is the “brains” of the network. It is the strategic control point in the SDN network, relaying information to the switches/routers ‘below’ (via southbound APIs) and the applications and business logic ‘above’…

Waterfall vs. SCRUM

(software_development) Topics Plan-Driven Principles Agile Principles Similarity between development and manufacturing Both follow a defined process. Development isn’t manufacturing; development creates the recipe for the product. Process structure Development is phase-based and sequential. Development should beiterative and incremental. Degree of…

A Watch Guy’s Thoughts On The Apple Watch

From my perspective, Apple pay has bigger potential and better business case than Apple Watch. Hard to estimate where this all will Apple take, obviously next version of Apple Watch will be definitely awesome once they figure out which direction…

Porodnice Neratovice

Touto cestou bych rád poděkoval všem z teamu v porodnici v Neratovicích za odrození našich dvou dětí Liama (2012/03) a Natalie (2014/09). Zázemí a ochota personálu v tomto zařízení je nadstandardní zacož bych rád poděkoval všem kteří se o nás…

Baby Circulation Right After Birth

Watch how the blood flows through the baby’s circulation and compare it to what happens in the fetus. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy.

Steve jobs speach

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they…

iBeacon revolution

The value of context or why is iBeacon more than just coupon delivery You need to brainstorm A LOT on the possible iBeacon functionalities for your app because it’s not just a spammy deal notifier, it is an EXPERIENCE and…

Early field failure analysis

… first responders in Cupertino learn directly of a defective iPhone in New York, Paris, or Tokyo as soon as a Genius Bar staffer reports it. The phone goes on the nextFedEx (FDX) plane to California. Using the serial numbers…

Microsoft Project 101

Project managers are frequently requested to share the critical path for their projects. In this article we will review the key elements that need to be in place to display the critical path using Microsoft Project 2010 or 2013. What…