Could wireless carriers start with Ad-Blocking?

Shine has a bold idea that could result in mobile carriers claiming a share of advertising revenue for themselves. The system it’s developing, called „AdSight,“ could be used not only to track ad data, but also to block specific ads.…

Hadoop installation Fedora 20

Hadoop download Java JDK SE download Install guide for reference After starting dfs check that your web is responding  $ sbin In step 5 there seems to be mistake in following line  [root@drash hadoop]# bin/hdfs dfs -put…

Capex vs. Opex in Cloud computing

A little while ago we explored how to talk to your upper management about cloud adoption. Check out our thinking again! When you’re making the case for cloud to your CEO or CFO, should your argument hinge simply on the…

Diameter explained

Awesome website about Diameter protocol with loads of examples DIAMETER at a Glance Here we have noted some of the major points in DIAMETER protocol that would help you to walk through the whole protocol in just few minutes.…

Diameter protocol

A Diameter Application is not a software application but is a protocol based on the Diameter base protocol defined in RFC 6733 (Obsoletes: RFC 3588). Each application is defined by an application identifier and can add new command codes and/or…