Obhlídka nemovitosti – W28

Obhlídka nemovitosti spolu s makléřem v době kdy nebylo jasné zdali do toho půjdeme nebo ne 🙂
Obhlídka nemovitosti spolu s makléřem v době kdy nebylo jasné zdali do toho půjdeme nebo ne 🙂
Hrubý zápisník postupu nákupu a rekonstrukce RD jak se bude odvíjet Idea Koupit RD, rekonstruovat, dole udělat 1kk byt, nahoře 3kk včetně zvětšení podkroví. Přístavbou vznikne terasa propojená s horní úrovní zahrady s přímým napojením do podkrovní části. Časosběr administrativa…
I have been plagued by countless annoying random game crashes the past months with my pc with all pointing out to this error (from event viewer) when they occur: „The description for Event ID 153 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: \Device\00000092 Reset TDR occurred on GPUID:100 The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table“ Solution: You have to give…
If your windows is crashing, check out following steps 1. Install WinDbg 2. Open WinDbg as admin 3. File, Start debugging, open dump file 4. Navigate to windows/minidump/ 5. Open the l’as modefied file, that shoe has been created the…
Potřebné doklady: Značka na nosič kol – potřebné doklady:
Jaké doklady potřebujete k přihlášení dovezeného vozidla:
Check what WiFi does your computer supports Determining Factor: If the network adapter supports network mode 802.11ac: If the network adapter supports only network mode 802.11n: If the network adapter does not support either of these network modes, it IS NOT Dual-Band Compatible. * With 802.11n, its capability…
Step 1: Access Your MikroTik Router Step 2: Set Up Layer7 Protocol Create a Layer7 Protocol rule to identify the traffic going to the URL you want to block. bashCopy code/ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=“Block_Example_URL“ regexp=“^.+(example.com).*\$“ Step 3: Configure Mangle…
open PowerShell as Administrator Run following command: winget uninstall 9WZDNCRFJBMP Restart your computer After restart, start powershell as Administrator Run following command winget install 9WZDNCRFJBMP –source msstore If this did not help, try following isntructions: Microsoft Store Missing in Apps…
Installation consists of following steps Add Integrations You will need Node-Red for logic definition Settings – Devices and Services Install add-ons Tailscale for remote access Node-Red Studio Code Server GoodWe Add-on IP of your GoodWe you find under Mikrotik router…