Crypto list

NEBL – Neplio Large, decentralized networks require robust security protocols and algorithms to ensure that all members of the network are behaving honestly. The Neblio Network does this via a Proof-of-Stake algorithm where users “stake” their tokens to secure…

Five Stages of a Bubble

Minsky identified five stages in a typical credit cycle – displacement, boom, euphoria, profit taking and panic. Although there are various interpretations of the cycle, the general pattern of bubble activity remains fairly consistent. Displacement: A displacement occurs when investors get enamored by a new paradigm,…

Crypto trading

Bitcoin vs. Litecoin Ethereum white paper BitCoin white paper Coinbase for mobile and GDAX for web based trading Luno for mobile trading User feedback  Comparison of BTC, ETH, LTC Any idea why Coinbase…

Investice P2P – notifikace a nezávislá statistika autoinvest – automatické investování (robot) na Zonky pro každého! … do-fintech

Open source network management tools

Open source software has a long history in lower-level network software so it’s not surprising there is a healthy range of free tools available for network and systems management. Often with commercial support available, open source network management tools offer…

Jak se staví dům

A | PŘÍPRAVA STAVBY Nízkoenergetický nebo pasivní dům? Financování stavby Výběr pozemku Koupě a převod parcely Projekt vašeho domu Stavební řízení Vytyčení pozemku a domu B | STAVBA ZÁKLADOVÉ DESKY Zemní práce Základová deska Sítě, hydroizolace, izolace proti radonu C…