Exchanging South Africa drivers licence to Czech drivers licence

It is not possible due to missing numbers on side of each fiels like name, surename. See chapter from Vienna agreement below:

The following particulars appear on the driving permit; they shall be preceded or followed by the numbers 1 to 11.
1. Surname
2. First names 1/
3. Date and place of birth 2/
4. Address 3/
5. Authority issuing the permit
6. Date and place of issue of the permit
7. Date of expiry of the validity of the permit 4/
8. Number of the permit
9. Signature and/or stamp or seal of the authority issuing the permit
10. Holder’s signature 5/
11. Category or categories of vehicle and any sub-categories for which the
permit is valid with indication of the date of issue of the permit and
the dates of expiry of the validity for each of those categories.

Drivers licence registration office contacts are here, our attemtp to exchange drivers licence was rejected by Ing.Jan Žák.

Full agreemen you can find here in Czech

And here in English

I’m sure it did not help you, so go and book yourself in Autoškola now 🙂


Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Articles: 744

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