Connect GoPro with Camera Tools for Hero

  1. Charge your GoPro as downloading is quite battery intensive 🙂
  2. Turn on the GO PRO camera and set it to Pairing mode
  3. Enable blue tooth on your computer and select Pair the GoPro
  4. Pair the device
  5. On GoPro leave the Pairing menu
  6. On your computer check whether you have 5G wifi or 2.4G Wifi card
  7. Set the GoPro in Prefrences / Wirelless setting accordingly
  8. Start the Camera Tools for Heroes
  9. Add Camera, Bluetooth, select GoPro you want to connect
  10. Camera shoudl be Paired on Windows side now over bluetooth
  11. Select camera and click Connct to WiFi
  12. Choose Media Files and Download
  13. New folder shoudl be created in the Folder of your choice with latest Video files
  14. You can monitor download progress in Downlaod Manager

Check what WiFi does your computer supports

Determining Factor:

If the network adapter supports network mode 802.11ac:

  • The computer supports both 2.4 GHz and 5GHz – your network capability IS Dual-Band Compatible.
  • This is true if your computer supports both 802.11ac and 802.11n together as well.

If the network adapter supports only network mode 802.11n:

  • The computer MAY OR MAY NOT have 2.4 GHz and 5GHz network capability and be Dual-Band Compatible.* 

If the network adapter does not support either of these network modes, it IS NOT Dual-Band Compatible.

* With 802.11n, its capability is unknown, and in order to find out you must attempt to connect to a 5GHz connection. If you are unable to connect, then you cannot use it, but if you are able to, then you can. This has to do with the hardware manufacturers because they do not specify on 802.11n whether they have included the additional parts needed in the chip to connect to 5GHz.

Jan D.
Jan D.

"The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."

Articles: 682

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