
Grant, Revoke Oracle user access

Data Control Language (DCL) Statements Data Control Language Statements are used to grant privileges on tables, views, sequences, synonyms, procedures to other users or roles. The DCL statements are GRANT :Use to grant privileges to other users or roles. REVOKE…

Verify Oracle parameters

login as oracle user sqlplus „/ as sysdba“ show parameters NAME TYPE VALUE ———————————— ———– —————————— O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY boolean FALSE _undo_autotune boolean FALSE active_instance_count integer aq_tm_processes integer 0 archive_lag_target integer 0 asm_diskgroups string asm_diskstring string asm_power_limit integer 1 asm_preferred_read_failure_groups string Oracle…

Customer Focus, Expectations and Loyalty

(GetPages)/fb0e21c03e1a1fbb85257011006e6396  „When you buy a tank from the Red River Army Depot, there’s a 1-800 number in the „glove compartment“ so you know who to call if you have a problem with the vehicle. At Red River, customer calls come…

FireBug tool mesure web components Response time

If you are looking for very simple measurement tool that will help you to identify response time for you pages then FireBug running on Firefox will do the trick. FB can also measeure response time for AJAX and other components.…

Oracle SQL query – sort by Czech language

This was the best result so far that reflected czech characters and IMHO correct sorting. select * from test6 order by NLSSORT( (NAME),’NLS_SORT=Xczech‘)   46 46 d 47 47 D 134 134 dra 136 136 Dra 139 139 dráb 138…

Oracle setting – language specific search

Our R&D did struggle with Oracle setting for Czech specific search. Following might be the solution. ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP=ANSI;ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT=GENERIC_BASELETTER;– this should be XCZECH we discussed previously First 3 screenshots are from setting up the DB where…

Modify FW rules

The iptables firewall will need to be modified to allow connections to the Apache web server that will be installed. Edit your /etc/sysconfig/iptables file with your favorite text editor. Modify the file as outlined below by adding the black line…

Search for word in files

find . -type f -exec file ‚{}‘ ; Runs `file‘ on every file in or below the current directory. Notice that the braces are enclosed in single quote marks to protect them from interpretation as shell script punctuation. The semicolon…

Check and mount the disc

Check what directory is most fulldu -b | sort -n -r | more List of available discsfdisk -l Show mounted discs/directoriesmount Configuration of mounted pointsmore /etc/fstab List available vxdiscsvxdg listvxdisk list Volume Group displayvgdisplay Physivcal volume displaypvdisplay Mount disc to…

Cacti installation Fedora6

I’ve used following documentation Few commands is incorrect like mysql -u <username> -p <dbname> Configuration is at /usr/share/cacti/include or /var/www/html/cacti/ Some parts from following link helped as well Cacti-Installation-on-Fedora-101.pdf