
WiFi Temperature/Humidity meter

Based on below two links I have combined internal temperature senzor with humidity and external temp meter. Combined code below Public view at /* Arduino IOT – Temperature (oC) and Humidity (%) on the web *Use…

Makeblock light sensor to Serial

Basic light senzor write toutput to Serial #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <MeOrion.h> double angle_rad = PI; double angle_deg = 180.0/PI; MeLightSensor lightsensor_8(8); void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); } void loop(){ Serial.println(; _delay(1); _loop(); } void _delay(float seconds){ long endTime…

HCNA Storage Huawei Certification

Those who are interested in HCNA can get Huawei certification resources form training website,if you want to study ICT tech and solution,training and support website are good to start with. HCNA-Storage e-learning: !createNavi#navi%5Bid%5D=MW000001_term1000025185&navi%5B_url%5D=spte-routshow&params%5BcourseId%5D=Node1000006327 HCNA-Storage PDF: !createNavi#navi%5Bid%5D=M008_term1000025185&navi%5B_url%5D=spte-train-face-router-project&params%5BcourseId%5D=Node1000004773 Others  certification are like this above First…

Why chill and shrink natural gas?

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. It takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas in the gaseous state. It is odorless,…

iBeacon revolution

The value of context or why is iBeacon more than just coupon delivery You need to brainstorm A LOT on the possible iBeacon functionalities for your app because it’s not just a spammy deal notifier, it is an EXPERIENCE and…

10 Websites to learn coding

Comparison Chart Here’s a comparison chart for you to get a bird’s eye view of all these awesome places to learn how to code. Website Course Feature Pricing Difficulty Codecademy HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Ruby, Python, API Code Interpreter,…